Basics of Humor
Fitting the ConversationBe natural. Never attempt to stage a joke. Cracking a joke is so
different from acting in a Shakespeare play.
No matter what type of jokes you tell, they should be relevant to
either what just happened or what was said last. If your jokes come
out of nowhere, she won’t appreciate it.
One-liners or short jokes usually work better than long ones because
they fit conversations better. In fact, if you plan to tell a long joke, it’d
better be really, really funny and appropriate.
Sometimes, it’s not what you say that makes her laugh and how you
say it, but also when you say it. Have you ever been in situations
where you said something totally normal in a funny situation but your
friend laughed? You could have said anything at that moment and it
might still sound funny.
That’s why timing is critical. What is funny a minute ago might not be
half as funny a minute later. You must seize the right opportunity
to demonstrate humor at the right time. It may be just a few
seconds, but those few seconds are all you’ve got.
That’s why forming a humor habit (as we talked about earlier) is so
important when it comes to making women laugh.
You also need to know the right time to stop. After you’ve made a
woman laugh, cool down a bit. Use your joke to spin conversations
towards a new direction, and repeat the process. In that way you
won’t appear to be pleasing her all the time while you can still show
your “humor creativity”.
That means you need to develop a sensory acuity by observation. A
woman’s posture, facial expressions, eyes, gesture, leg movements,
etc. all serve as distinct clues to tell you when to make her laugh.
Sometimes by just looking at her parted lips or tense facial muscle,
you can gauge whether it’s a good idea to say a particular line at that
There are situations where you shouldn’t be funny at all. I’m not just
talking about socially unacceptable scenarios such as delivering a gag
during a funeral. In fact, within a single conversation there are times
when humor is simply inappropriate. Your jokes would work better if
you save them for later.
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