Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Designing an Object-Oriented Application

Designing an Object-Oriented



When identifying and defining appropriate classes and types and designing
their methods so that the application can do what it needs to do, you simply
begin with whatever is available. In many cases, like the example in this
chapter, the natural environment is a great place to look. You can also use
written documents or notes, such as concept or requirements documents
and storyboards. If you don’t have any of these, you can create them now.
Trained software developers will go about this formally, through a process
known as requirements analysis. But for small apps and simple systems,
informal methods work quite well. Simply write up a page or two (or three)
about your app, how it’s supposed to work, and how its users are supposed
to interact with it, and that’s your documentation.
Follow these steps to analyze your material:
1. Go through the material carefully and pull out
• Nouns: These become candidate (not final) classes.
• Verbs: These become candidate responsibilities
2. Write the definition of each noun and verb.
If there are just a few nouns and verbs, you may even be able to keep
track of the definitions in your head.
3. Review your definitions, looking for similar items. If you find two nouns
or two verbs that mean about the same thing, remove one of them.
If a noun or verb has more than one definition, see if splitting it into two
nouns or verbs allows you to define each one specifically. Feel free to
rename nouns and rewrite verbs so that they fit your definition better.
4. Delete any nouns and verbs that are only physical objects in the
environment in which your system operates. These physical objects
are outside the context of your system.
5. Allocate the consolidated set of verbs (which are the responsibilities)
among the nouns (the classes).
When you are done with this, each noun (that is, class) should have only
those responsibilities that properly belong to that noun.
Here’s a quick test for proper allocation: The responsibilities should not
cause the definition of the class to lose cohesiveness.
6. Create a few detailed scenarios that capture the essential capabilities
of your app. Use these scenarios to identify the collaborations by
walking through the steps of the scenario in detail, identifying which
class and which method enables that step.
You may also find missing classes and methods. If necessary, repeat
Steps 2 through 6 to incorporate missing nouns and verbs in your
classes and methods.
7. For each class, run through this checklist for a good class:
• Does the class have a suitable name?
• Does it have a cohesive description that says that it does just
one thing?
• Does it have responsibilities (methods)?
• Does it have collaborators?
• Does it — or its components — maintain state?
8. Consolidate and clean up the class hierarchy.
Look for classes that have similar data and responsibilities to see if
creating a superclass that holds common responsibilities (and having
the original classes inherit from this superclass) will increase reuse.
Before you do a consolidation, perform the “Is-A” test. Say (to yourself):
“<Subclass> Is-A <Superclass>.” If that sentence doesn’t completely
make sense, the creation of the superclass is incorrect. For example, say,
“kettle Is-A vessel.” This sounds correct. Now say, “Vessel Is-A stove.”
Doesn’t sound so right, does it.
9. Clearly specify (or at least understand) how each method functions:
• Actions that the method is supposed to perform
• Inputs that it needs in order to do so
Go class-by-class, method-by-method, and define its signature, that is, its
input parameters and its output result.

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