Find the Right Target
Once you can locate the right target to joke about or the topic that shefinds funny, you’ve already succeeded halfway.
Make Fun of Yourself
This is probably not surprising to you. The most appreciated humor
and the safest is self-depreciating humor. Why making fun of yourself
(in a positive way of course)? Because it is the least offensive
subject, it shows you’re easygoing and also brings many other
By Rule of Reciprocity she would soon reveal her inner world, or
make fun of herself, which means you two are a lot closer than when
you first meet.
Rule of Reciprocity
The rule of reciprocity applies in all culture and states that when
someone gives you something you will feel obliged to return the favor.
This rule evolved in societies as a binding mechanism, as “give-andtake”
is advantageous to the survival and success of the group as a
whole because it creates bonds of obligation among people.
“One of the most potent weapons of influence around us is the rule for
reciprocation. The rule says that we should try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided us.”
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