Set a few goals in this area for yourself and write them down.There is a world of difference between murmuring silently to yourself
and putting your words down on paper. When you write your goals
down, you are making a commitment. Now say them out loud to
yourself. (If there are other people around and you are not
comfortable doing it now, make sure you do that later when you’re
For example, say the following out loud, “I commit to devoting at least
3 months to the science of making women laugh. I will abide by the
rules and participate 100%. I will be confident, positive at all times, no
matter what happens.”
Print it out if you want, and repeat the statement 3 times each day for
a week until it is internalized—that is—until you firmly believe it and
it becomes a part of you. Remember, the subconscious mind is an
intriguing and wonderful gift that humans have.
Once after you wake up, once during the day, and once before you
sleep. Each day this activity will take you no more than 2 minutes but
will definitely create extraordinary results.
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