Thursday, December 25, 2014

Pick Up Women

Pick Up Women

Michael Cunningham, a psychology professor at the University of
Louisville, spent many years studying the success rate of various
approaches and pick up lines. In the 1980's he sent graduate students
out to bars to do "field research" and the findings were not too
He found that the direct approach was the best. The most successful
line was, “I feel a little embarrassed about this, but I'd like to
meet you.” The runner-up line was, “What do you think of the
band?” Running a close third was the obvious, “hi.” It worked
nearly as well as the others.
On the other hand, many other “experts” claim that pick up lines
simply don't work. Monica Moore, Ph.D., professor of psychology at
Webster University in St. Louis, as quoted in Sex: a Man's Guide, by
Bechtel is one of them.
Dr. Monica has been studying courtship issues since 1978 and claims
that women have sized you up and decided whether or not they will
sleep with you within the first few seconds of meeting, despite the
pickup lines you use.
She commented that “picking up women is more of a process than an
event. It is a sensual dance between a man and a woman, enticing the
other into deeper and deeper levels of intrigue and sexual tension.”
Here’s my take on this: either opinion could be true. Pick up line may
work or may not, just like body language. But that’s not the most
important thing.
The most important thing is whether you have the courage to risk
rejection. No one in his right mind likes rejection, but the truth of the
matter is that if you’re only willing to pick up a woman with absolute
certainty you’ll probably never pick up one, because we simply don’t
know whether our pick up lines or our body languages are right, until
we test them out.
Let’s put it more logically. If you don’t take action, you definitely won’t
get the women you want. If you do, you might or you might not.
Where does your only chance lie? Well, logically we all know that. It’s
the emotional impediments that stop us from approaching (beautiful)
You need to step out of your own shoes and take the role of an
observer. Treat everything as an experiment. See yourself as a
“dealer” instead of a “player”. And don’t forget—the power of
humor you develop as you read through this book will dramatically
lower the risk of rejection.
You can always consider practicing first before going out to the real
world (but just don’t use it as an excuse to avoid taking action).
Simply record yourself saying a pick up line either with a tape recorder
or a computer. Pretend you are meeting a new woman. What would
you say and how would you reply? Play it back to hear yourself, adjust
the details, repeat until you’re half-ready (you might never think
you’re ready enough) and then go out to test it out.

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