What Jokes to Avoid
Sexist, Ethnic, Religious JokesStay away from them.
Stay away from them as far as possible especially when you’re with
any woman you don’t really know.
Even if you succeed in making her laugh, you won’t leave a positive
impression (and usually the opposite). The fact a woman laughs at
your joke doesn’t necessarily mean she likes it. It could be a release of
tension or mere courtesy.
And it certainly doesn’t mean she likes you. So many men are
mistaken on that.
Joke About Her
You can joke about a woman. In fact, you should joke about her in
certain situations.
But never ever joke about a woman in a group. No matter how
much you can prove you are “just kidding’, it is not funny to them
because she’d feel singled out.
In fact, jokes rarely work on a whole group unless everyone is from
the same background and already familiar with one another. Youshouldn’t try pleasing all the women in group. You have to choose a
target and isolate her sooner or later—unless you just want some
laughter to boost your ego.
Lame Jokes
A word on lame jokes.
They only work for women who are already familiar with you, or when
women realize you are deliberately being lame (such as claiming to
be the “king of lame jokes”), otherwise you might as well not tell the
Make Mental Notes
Once funny. Twice boring. Thrice awful.
You never want to repeat your lines to any woman, otherwise she’d
think you’re boring (even worse, desperate) instead of funny.
Some people find it easier to simply tell new jokes every time, but the
truth is… the best jokes are always the ones that worked on the most
number of women and should always be kept in your “repertoire”.
Later in the book I’ll teach you a mnemonic technique called “absurd
imagery technique”. You can use that trick to make a mental note
every time you tell a joke to a particular woman. That way you’ll never
forget which jokes you’ve told to whom.
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