Thursday, December 25, 2014

What Makes Women Laugh

What Makes Women Laugh

The first question we need to ask ourselves is “what makes women
laugh?” or rather, what makes people laugh?
As Ken Dodd pointed out, “A laugh is a noise that comes out of a hole
in your face. – Anywhere else and you are in big trouble.” Well, why do
we as human beings laugh after all?
We often heard the phrase, “I can’t help laughing at it.” But we seldom
heard such saying like “I did my best to laugh”, or “try to laugh a bit
more.” That is because the harder you try laughing, the less likely you
will succeed.
There is so far no biological explanation of the true mechanism of
laughter, but there are a handful of basic psychological factors
contributing to laughter, which itself can be categorized into many
Some guys talk about the "art" of making women laugh.
Sure, they can call themselves "artists" as they like, but the problem
is... once something becomes an art, you won't have rules to rely on
and you can't measure the results. Making women laugh suddenly
becomes an uncertain event.
But the fact is...Making women laugh is a science.
I came to the conclusion that human beings' reactions to different
types of "humor stimuli" are predictable. And there are tested-andproven
methods to match a humorous line and a subject's education,
personality, and cultural background to create laughter. Any man,
regardless of looks, intelligence, education, and personality, can learn
the mechanism of humor and laughter and develop his own style of
Remember that last time you met a long-lost friend and laughed at
things that happened long ago? It could be an anecdote involving the
teacher you disliked. To someone else outside your social contacts it
might not be funny at all. You laughed because you can find
incongruence between two things, which may appear perfectly
normal to someone else…
So here goes the more formal reason of laughter:

And what factors could possibly induce such a conflict?

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