Friday, November 6, 2015

Keyword Domains For Increased CTR
In some cases, owning a premium keyword domain can increase click-through rates on ads and SERP listings:
  • A study published by Memorable Domains found that “ads featuring a generic domain name with an exact match to the product ( performed significantly better than identical ads featuring an alternative generic ( or non-generic ( domain.” It is worth noting that looks very generic, and doesn’t appear to be relevant to the query. Sorry does this support the EMD or premium domain?
  • A study titled “How generic domain names impact SEM campaigns” shows that ads with the display URL achieved a 298% higher CTR than ads with the display URL However, this study was only based on 34 clicks, which is not enough data to accurately measure the performance difference.Sorry does this support premium domain or EMD?
  • Does the CTR advantage make buying a premium keyword domain a smart choice?
Consider these factors:
  • What is the search volume? Use Google’s keyword tool to find the exact match search volume for the keyword phrase the domain matches.
  • What is the cost? Most premium keyword domains are already registered and are difficult to obtain (read: very,very expensive).
  • Is it a .com? For example, a domain will be far less valuable than a domain.

What Is More Important Than Keywords? Choosing A Brandable Domain

Having a domain name that matches your target keyword(s) does offer some benefits, but there is a bigger factor you should consider: the brandability of the domain.
Your brand is important, and your domain name is the foundation upon which your online brand will be built. Your domain name is how users will find, remember, share and identify your company online. In both social media and search engines, the domain name is the primary way by which users can identify where the link will lead.
While some marketers think SEO is only about keywords and links, the reality is that Google likes brands. Google CEO Eric Schmidt once said “Brands are the solution, not the problem. Brands are how you sort out the cesspool. Brand affinity is clearly hard-wired. It is so fundamental to human existence that it’s not going away.”
The first step to building a brand is choosing a brandable domain.

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