Thursday, December 25, 2014

Posture, Gestures and Movement

Posture, Gestures and Movement

They say actions speak louder than words.
That is absolutely true.
Since the content of your speech only accounts for less than 10% of
your communication, whether or how much you can make women
laugh is more often determined by the way you talk to them. You will
certainly agree that even the funniest joke in the world recited by a
dull voice with a rigid body language may not make any one laugh,
whereas a funny guy can make women laugh genuinely with one single
In other words, your posture, gesture, and movement don’t just
enhance the effect of your communication but determine it.
On the other hand, women can tell a lot just from your body language
(posture in particular), so you have to use powerful and purposeful
gestures with a confident posture when you’re communicating with
To achieve a humorous effect, you need to adopt funny and dramatic
body language. Observe how Jim Carrey acts in movie and model him.
Also, make sure she “gets it”, instead of mistaking your acts for real
Here’s a trick to increase the intimacy between you and the woman
you’re talking to in a subtle way. Move closer to her gradually and
naturally during conversation. If you speak with more and more
enthusiasm and affection, she won’t notice it. If she backs away a little
bit, try again at slower rate. But stop if it happens more than 3 times.
The distance between two people talking has an enormous impact on
the development of relationship, often at a subconscious level. Many
people don’t realize that. If you want proof, experiment moving away
gradually from a friend and I bet he or she will move towards you to
maintain the distance otherwise it’ll be uncomfortable.
Most of us know that the more intimate two persons are, the nearer
they stay to each other, but few realize the reverse is also true. And
humor works best at these times to diffuse tension and
increase intimacy.
If things go well, try touching her a little bit. First on the forearms or
shoulders… Or you can touch her accidentally. Such simple actions can
do wonders.
Here’re some more tips on posture and gestures. Remember, when it
comes to body language, it’s all about details:
?? In order to project a confident image, walk upright, keep your head
up, and hold your shoulders back
?? Slow down movements from time to time because that creates
mystery and intrigue
?? Show that you’re open and inviting by opening your palm and arms
?? Check her body language to ensure she’s comfortable
?? Nod your head frequently. Research shows that nodding will
effectively increase the conversation duration. It also helps building
rapport tremendously.

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