The Soothing
It’s the kind of “breathy” voice which couples often converse in. Whentwo people like each other, they also tend to speak in soothing tones.
Exhale more while speaking and lower your volume as if you want to
express your affection through your voice. We speak with soothing
tonality when no threat is present, which is the main reason why we
tend to speak to a child with this type of tonality.
The Baritone
The typical voice of the hero in a Hollywood action movie. Baritone
voice or tone is perceived as masculine, calm, and being in control.
Lower the pitch of your voice (but make sure you’re comfortable) and
slow down. Make pauses during speech to convey a richer meaning
beyond words.
You can practice this though singing. If you’ve ever listened to a choir
practice varying the whole gamut of pitches at will, you should have an
idea of how to do that on your own.
The Energetic
The typical “Anthony Robbins voice”. Speak with enthusiasm and at a
faster rate if you can deal with it.
The energetic voice is also breathy but to the opposite of soothing. You
speak with an energetic tonality as though you’re deliberately
suppressing your emotion, which can actually magnify the impact.
How would you tell small kids an adventure story? It’ll be something
like that. Just tone down the exaggeration a little bit and you’re good
to go.
The Dramatic
If you’ve ever watched a Shakespeare play, you know what I’m talking
about. There’s a lot of variation in the voice quality and a strong
exhibition of different emotions. And remember how Agent Smith talks
in the movie Matrix? That’s dramatic.
The dramatic tonality is not suitable for general conversation. It is
used to add humor or dynamism to the conversation occasionally. You
should couple this type of tonality with a reasonable amount of acting
(which we’ll talk about later). Don’t overdo it otherwise you may annoy
or even scare the woman you’re talking to.
Practice by acting out any drama you see on stage or television. Or
you can read out those play scripts in the most dramatic voice
possible. You might even want to record yourself and fine-tune it so it
doesn’t sound unnatural or scary.
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