Thursday, January 1, 2015

Alien: Isolation (for PC)

Last Survivor of the Nostromo, Signing Off15 years after Alien's events, Amanda Ripley learns that the flight recorder that was aboard her mother's ship has been found on Sevastopol Station, an outpost owned by Seegson Corporation. Amanda enters the space station and finds the place in chaos. Looters and murderous androids run amok, while a hulking star beast is on the hunt. Amanda must find out the truth about the Nostromo and Seegson, dodge everyone trying to kill her, and escape.
Told using in-game dialogue and brief cutscenes akin to Ridley Scott's curt directing style, Alien: Isolation treads familiar ground that reinforces the original movie's conspiratorial, anti-corporate line. It's a well-paced, well-written plot full of the flame throwers and false endings that Alien aficionados have come to expect.
The actual ending is a disappointing cliffhanger that could lead into future DLC. Hopefully, that doesn't turn out to be the case. That said, the rest of the story is so good and true to the original film that Alien: Isolation feels more like a sequel to Alien than some of the other movies in the series. Sigourney Weaver reprising her role as Ellen Ripley is a solid bonus.
Is This Gonna Be a Standup Fight, Sir, or Another Bughunt?As Amanda, you rely on subterfuge, not brute strength. The odds are stacked against you, so you must make use of objects in the environment to survive. You can bang a wall, blare a boombox, or toss noisemakers and flares to distract enemies long enough to sneak around them. The game offers you plenty of options.
Collecting scrap parts and items around the station increase your chance for survival as they let you craft medkits, EMP mines, or flashbangs. Keeping track of your inventory and limited ammo and knowing when and where to use each item is paramount. You have the option to hide in or under lockers, tables, gurneys, and vents, too. When stowing yourself in a locker, or using the iconic motion-tracker that detects enemy presences, your vision becomes blurred. To focus your vision, you click the right mouse button. Realistic details like that pull you further into the world of Alien: Isolation and your role as Amanda Ripley. You even gain a sort of twisted kinship with H.R. Giger's creation, your one constant companion through the whole adventure.
Slinking from room to incredibly well-designed room, dodging and outsmarting the beast, is tense, exhilarating stuff. You can even use the alien as an ally and pit it against the human enemies. But for the most part, you are its vulnerable prey, especially when investigating new parts of the space station. Locked doors ratchet up the tension as they trigger hacking mini-games that eat up seconds of your time, which may be long enough for the alien or a killer robot to find you. If you're killed, you need to reload your previous save. No save-scumming here. No checkpoints, either. The save stations are like Dark Souls II's$14.79 at Amazon bonfires; they're spaced far enough so that when you find one you breathe a sigh of relief...unless enemies are nearby.

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