Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Legend of Korra (for PC)

The Legend of Korra (for PC)
No Story, No CryThe Legend of Korra takes place in a world where select people can manipulate (or "bend") one, or several, of the classical elements: Air, Earth, Wind, and Fire. Korra is an avatar, a person who can bend all four elements, and who acts as the peacekeeper between the physical and spiritual worlds.
I learned all of that from online research; The Legend of Korra does a ppoor job of setting up the in-game universe. Perhaps Activision or Platinum Games decided that it wasn't necessary because the game has a built-in, rabid fanbase, but it would've been nice if the title did a bit more to help ease newcomers into the world.
Less Than Meets the EyeWhat The Legend of Korra lacks in story, it makes up in visuals. Korra, and the many mooks she fights, are well-animated, and character models move smoothly through the many environments. In fact, some may mistake an in-game still as a scene from the show. But The Legend of Korra's beauty is just skin-deep; the environments in which you brawl are empty and lifeless save for a handful of enemies and a few breakable objects that hold Spirit Points (the game's currency). It's extremely disappointing that there aren't at least a few onlookers to give the settings some life.
Likewise, combat is a mixed bag. The fighting mechanics are typical modern brawling fare: There are light, heavy, and special attacks, as well as a jump, dodge, block, and counter. Combining these moves produces some impressive, hard-hitting attacks, but you must unlock many of them. Sadly, Platinum Games strips Korra of her powers very early in the game, and you must recover them by beating a succession of similar-looking foot soldiers. It's frustrating and limits your fighting capabilities in the early stages.
Thankfully, those accumulated Spirit Points are used to level up Korra, which grants her new moves. You can also use them to purchase additional powers, such as the ability to freeze enemies in ice blocks when you switch to water-based attacks. The various powers are useful in combat once you acquire them, but they highlight the futility of using a de-powered Korra during the game's early stages.

Countering BoredomThe Legend of Korra's stand-out feature is its counter system that lets you parry or evade any physical, elemental, or energy attack. It lets you quickly attack with a Quick Time Event (QTE) move. This QTE, depending on the status of an enemy, lets you unleash impressive counterattacks, parries, and finishers that make Korra feel like a total badass. My counterattack against a mecha-tank boss enemy saw Korra deliver over 200 punches in a matter of seconds, which obliterated a large portion of the enemy's lifebar. I felt like a champ!
Platinum Games does its best to prevent repetition-based boredom from setting in (most of the gameplay simply involves punching enemies in the face, after all) by breaking up the fisticuffs with light platforming action and Temple Run-like sequences in which Korra rides her bear-like pet through the streets. These extras aren't particularly engrossing, but they do provide nice breaks in the action.
Should You Court Korra?
Buy this title if you're a fan of the show or don't have your expectations set particularly high. The Legend of Korra is a bit bland until you retrieve at least two of the four elemental powers, but diehards will probably enjoy the brawling more than a dirty casual like me. If you're a fan of Platinum Games's over-the-top brand of manic action, Bayonetta 2$57.99 at Amazon will be more to your liking than this watered-down fare.

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